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Meeting minutes

NSAAC Business Meeting June 07, 2024
By Tolga T Yazicioglu
Posted: 2024-07-04T12:05:54Z

NSAAC Business Meeting June 07, 2024

President Jim Holland called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.

The meeting was held at the new Boxford Community Center at 10 Elm Street in Boxford, as well as via Zoom.  There were 27 participants (26 in-person and 0 on Zoom).  A quorum of members was present, and the Business Meeting was official.

Guests and new club members were asked to introduce themselves:

  • Guest(s): Isabella from Boxford, Brooke from Salem
  • New Member(s): Dennis, just joined two months ago

Officer Reports:

President – Jim Holland:

Jim called for approval of the May Business Meeting Minutes, which were approved by acclamation.

Jim reminded the club that we’re establishing a committee to help with the sale of a select few telescopes from the club’s inventory.  The committee is open to anyone in the club.  Contact Jim or any of the Board Members if you’re interested in helping.

Vice President – Justin Murray:

Justin was on new father duty – Congratulations to Justin and his wife on their baby girl!!

Treasurer – Ron Sampson:

Ron reported no updates.

Secretary – Tolga Yazicioglu:

Tolga provided a summary of the 5/21 Special Board Meeting.  

Topics Discussed included:

Meeting Refreshments, Speaker Gifts, Upcoming Events, Forming of the Telescope Committee

Membership Director – John Gall:

Last month picked up 4 new members, three (3) regular and one (1) honorary (speaker from last month).  The club now has 88 active members, 2 of whom are honorary members.

Collins Observatory at Salem State – Dennis Gudzevich:

Dennis provided an update on the Collins Observatory, which has a Meade LX200 12” ACF.  The observatory is typically open on clear Mondays 7pm-10pm.

5/6 – last observing night until school resumes in the fall.  Opened at 7 to work on the telescope, opened to the public at 8pm, only had 5 students show up.  Professor & Dennis worked trying to get to the CR2032 battery that is likely causing the GPS to reset itself.  Going to go back this month to try again.


Mendel Observatory at Merrimack College – Brewster LaMacchia:

Jim provided an update on the Mendel Observatory, which has an Optical Guidance Systems 20-inch Ritchey-Cretien reflector.  The observatory is typically open on clear Wednesdays.

Mendel will be out of commission for the summer, likely back before classes resume in the fall.  The scope was sent back to Optical Guidance Systems (OGS) for cleaning & collimation.  The telescope recently arrived at OGS, was disassembled, and they sent mirror out for aluminizing.  Merrimack College mechanical engineering is investigating adding anti-vibration to the pier.  

Star Parties – Brewster LaMacchia:

Collins Middle School Star Party called due to weather; will try again in the fall.

Parker River is also having a “Let’s go Outside” event on Saturday June 15, 10am-3pm.  NSAAC has a free table & tent, and volunteer sign-ups are on the website.  Looking for members who can help answer questions about the club, or if anyone has a solar telescope they’d like to bring – don’t have to volunteer for the whole time.

Star Party at Donovan Reservation in Hamilton, scheduled for 8/12.

Star Parties during Trails & Sails, scheduled for 9/14 & 9/27.

Scope Clinic – Bryan Stone & Ron Sampson:

If you have anything on your telescope that you need help with, or if you need help with your telescope, Bryan & Ron can assess your scope, making recommendations, and performing some minor repairs.

Bryan described the Telescope Clinic as the “Pride & Joy” of the club.

At Large Board Members – Bryan Stone & Cyndi Hopping:

Members at Large are the go-between, so if anyone has any questions or concerns bring them to one of the two of the ALBMs and will pass along to the board at the next board members.  

Old Business:

No Old Business.

New Business:

Call for volunteers for the Club Telescope Sales Committee.

Bryan called for reestablishing the tradition of dining at China Blossom prior to the meeting.  The buffet is now back to its former pre-pandemic glory!

Business Meeting was Adjourned by President Jim Holland at 7:51 PM 

Following the Business Meeting, we were be joined by astronomer Dr. Andrew Szentgyorgyi of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/Harvard University. Dr. Szentgyorgyi's presentation was titled "The Search for Earth 2.0". He is the principal investigator of the GMT-Consortium Large Earth Finder, the first light instrument for the Giant Magellan Telescope.

Respectfully submitted,

Tolga Yazicioglu, Secretary